Well not fully! Boris has gone back to Plan A from Plan B. This means we don’t have to wear masks in shops, theatres etc unless premises maintain that rule. Barty House has some cases so they are continuing with one specified person only visiting. Frustrating for me as I seem to do better when Sue is with me, However, I have now reduced my visits to fortnightly rather than every week. I am sure now that my presence sparks off Mum’s anxiety attacks. Sue went in my place last week and although Mum made it clear that she has had enough, she wasn’t hysterical like she was with me the last time. Viv visited today and although Mum is completely deaf now Viv managed to communicate using the wipeboard. She was very pleased to see Viv and no sign of hysteria! So it must be me that is the problem. My turn again next Tuesday.
The Partygate scandal with the PM continues, a reduced “independent” report from the Cabinet Office has been produced. Boris apologised in the Commons but is waiting for Met Police to decide if they are going to make criminal charges against Downing St staff, inc Boris, breaking Covid rules in 2020. What a mess! No doubt some civil servants will take the blame and in the meantime the PM is off to Eastern Europe to convince Putin that he shouldn’t attack Ukraine. He has to resign, what is a matter with the Tory Party allowing this to go on.