The last couple of days have found Sue and myself feeling somewhat emotionally knackered. Watching graphs and listening to the death rate from the virus rapidly increasing is depressing. Today is the biggest daily increase so far. 563 deaths today with a total now of 2352. We are trying to not listen to news reports during the day and think of other things.

At 8.30pm last night Mum called me and off I went as she was having a panic attack due to her dizziness and not finding her tablets. I stayed awhile gave her water and pills and then she went off to sleep. I popped in this morning and she had slept well.

No running or cycling in last couple days, but had two nice walks with Sue. Mowed the lawn this morning and then became really lazy and sat in front of the PC looking at You Tube clips. Tommy Cooper still makes me laugh! I have already lost the enthusiasm for household jobs. Tomorrow night though You Tube are streaming National Theatre live at 7.00pm. It is free to watch so we are looking forward to a night in at the theatre.

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