We are now allowed 2 nominated visitors to visit Mum so today Sue came with me . It made everything so much easier particularly as we were able to take Mum out in the garden for a short walk. Only around the decking and nearby path but it was such a relief and the weather was warm and sunny. It was sheltered from what remains a chilly wind, so we had a nice time. Malc set up his phone on a tripod which meant we could see him much more clearly when he called in on Whats App. It was lovely to see Malc and Mum waving to each other and I helped with communication. Malc looked good today. Viv got her call in as well so it was a great visit. Sue had a look through Mum’s wardrobe to see what extra clothes she might need. Mum said she needs some new clothes, but then said it wasn’t worth it at her age!

I think my antibiotics are starting to minimise the infection in my gums so a bit less painful over the last couple of days. However, the Ibrobufen does make me sleepy and lethargic, but then I suppose that’s what they are supposed to do. I did try a very slow run this afternoon which was OK, just 4 miles. I am still not sure whether or not I do the Kent Duathlon on Sunday. I think my review meeting with my dentist on Thursday will determine whether I will or not.

Mum in the Sun
Mum not in the Sun
Always a wave!

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