My antibiotics for my mouth infection are having some effect now as the pressure is easing and it is a bit more comfortable. I had a bad and strange experience on Tuesday night. I suddenly felt tired and went to bed early but when I turned over I had extreme dizziness and a very uncomfortable feeling. I eventually went to sleep and by the morning it was OK . I thought it might be the Ibrobufen causing the problem or the fact that I was taking an antibiotic plus leapfrogging Paracetamol and Ibrobufen for the pain. So since then I have stopped the Ibrobufen and continued the Paracetamol and antibiotic and they have been working fine. Tomorrow I go to see my regular dentist for a review, I know the tooth root canal is the problem so I will opt for an extraction asap.

Yesterday I cancelled my swim and had another gentle day. Bought some garden plants, which I have to protect from continuing frosts and I also took in some of my old VHS tapes and DVDs to have them assessed and get digitised. Fortunately, the guy who runs the business I contacted turned out to be one of my old swimming pals, so we had a chat about the past and what are are we doing next.He is hoping to do a full Ironman. Still he is only 55 so to me the half Ironman in July will be my optimum target.

Today, I went for a ride again with MikeD. I feel a lot better and subject to what might be the outcome from my dental review, I probably will do the Kent Duathlon on Sunday. Mike punctured and had some mechanical problems so we turned back to his place and then I got a few miles in before meeting half a dozen Wobbler friends in a pub garden. Nice to see them again after such a long time.

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