After a recent gradual fall in cases they are starting to climb again and there are fears of the spread of the Delta variant. There will be a review by the Govt on 26th Aug on travel abroad. There is some cause for concern about Spain going onto the Red level. If it it does, at least we will still be here and not in Spain.

Following our chasing up of social services last week, we now know that the panel sat last Friday. Barty has heard from them to say that consideration is being given to Mum staying at Barty and that negotiations are taking place to try and decide on a cost. I also had a phone call from social services confirming that this is underway. So we are awaiting the imminent cost of the top up fee which we must know before family discussions.

In the meantime we have had Alex staying with us since Wed. We collected him from Beckenham then drove to Oxfordshire where we stayed at a nice hotel before my swim down the River Thames on Thursday. This was a birthday pressie from Stuart and I was looking forward to a gentle warm swim down the river. It wasn’t warm though, 16 degrees! All went well but I got into a bit of a race with one of the others so after my day long 7Km swim I was exhausted. Sue and Alex enjoyed walking the towpath and helping with the locks and Alex was invited onto a narrow boat for a while. Heavy rain at lunchtime so they they were as wet as us who had been swimming! Sue then drove us home to Kent and yesterday I drove Alex back to Beckenham. No wonder I am knackered today. All starts again tomorrow evening when James and Alex arrive to be joined on Monday by Danny and Toby! Two in a tent and two indoors. They stay till Wed evening. Such fun!!

Captain Alex
Enjoying the Hotel facilities

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