I am now the proud owner of a 24inch iMac- Wow!! Unfortunately I managed to ruin the straight forward migration process from the old computer. Something to do with messing up the system permissions apparently. The result was that both computers crashed and failed to re- boot despite all attempts through usual channels. Many tears and screams resulted in computer son being dispatched here all day yesterday to work on it. Fortunately he brought along 3 mth old James who entertained the rest of us whilst Michael went through all sorts of hardware tests. Result was I had corrupted and lost my original hard drive with all my important stuff on it. However, I had backed up the entire system onto a separate hard drive so all was not lost. NOW THERE IS A LESSON! Wasn’t I glad I did that.

Mike managed to upload it all onto the new IMac and left me to tidy up the folders and files which are a disgrace apparently. I had also managed to migrate at least four full hard drives at different attempts earlier. Thank goodness there are tons of memory on this new machine.

Oh well, everything OK now except for the printer which is not responding despite me asking it nicely- now I know a man who might help me with this!!

Anyway, here is picture of James who cheered us all up, perhaps he knows about printers?


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